Friday, September 29, 2006

Engine on Chip (EoC)

Researchers at MIT have come up with a unique solution to make mobile and laptop batteries last longer - engine on a chip - ENGINE!!!

BBC Reports:

Gas-turbine engines more normally power whole cities but MIT's Professor Alan Epstein was determined that miniscule versions could be used to "power a person".

Ten years on from having the brainwave, Professor Epstein believes the microengine could give batteries a run for their money, offering 10 times the power of a battery of the same weight at the same price point.

The engine isn't manufactured in conventional way with compressor, combustion chamber. Etched silicon was used to make a micro-engine (micro-engine is not a word in english as of today lol). The silicon wafers were piled on top of each other and then bounded together and produces 10 watts of power - 10 WATTS - that's quite a lot!

The crossover of conventional technology and new technology is interesting. This will save people a lot of money when they won't have to replace batteries every 2-3 years.

However, the question is, will this be commercially available in the future, or will it just be a pure research project with no industry buyers?

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